Friday, July 20, 2012



Sometimes I think about all the things that are wrong with the world (well not all ;) and it makes me sad. I think of the probability that the human race is going to destroy itself, world hunger, the wars all over the world, problems with the economy, the homeless population, teens dying from spending days playing video games, obesity, teachers not being paid enough, my dad having cancer, and other assorted issues.

I will now go into depth about what is seeping through my brain pipes.

The probability of the human race destroying itself: Things like nuclear weapons, global warming, and android world domination scare me. Humans have the capability to do so much harm. What happens when one country thinks there is a major threat and tries to use nuclear weapons? That can have drastic affects on everyone around. So many civilians could potentially get killed. Global warming is a big issue because some scientists believe it is already too late to stop it. There is still hope. Other scientists believe that we have a chance if we change our ways now. PLEASE recycle your plastic bottles and ride your bikes people! Android world domination is a no brainer. Our Android phones will kill us. The cute little green android dudes won't be so cute after a surge of energy that they tapped from the solar panels that were ripped off the white house that they found in a trash compacter. Think about it. It is quite possible.

The economy, the homeless population, obesity: If you live in the United States (or anywhere you can get the news), you'll know that our economy isn't doin' so hot right now. We're in a major heap of debt. I'm not going to go into politics, but I'll just say the Iraq war did not help. We needed that money elsewhere. There are a lot of people that are either homeless, broke, or both. This is mostly because of the economy. Try to think of yourself without any money. Without your pretty computer that you're reading this on. If you think you can live without it, I challenge you to take out your freakin' huge axe, smash your computer right now, and go outside. If you are reading this on a laptop outside, I solute you. You are one step ahead of me. Obesity is another thing that really bothers me. I worry we'll turn into those Wall-e people who can't even stand up. We're on our way. AND, not only are our fast food restaurants feeding us bad food, their feeding us bad grammar. I saw a sign that said, "You want a ice cream?" If you don't see what's wrong with that sentence (2 things), you deserve to eat at McDonalds. Another sign said, "Do you miss shamrock we got them".

Teens dying from spending days playing video games: Seriously?! I heard stories about these teens who played for days and they had to go to the hospital. They later died! One was playing for two days straight. The doctors said that what killed him was his heart. When you sit down for a long time, your blood pressure drops. When you try to sit up, your head can hurt. Your heart is trying to pump blood back into you. His heart just decided it was done. Another teen was playing for three days and the same thing happened to him. Surprisingly, these teens didn't die of lack of food and water.

Teacher problems: Have you ever stopped and thought, "Hey! Teachers are actually teaching the world's future. Without them, we'd most likely destroy ourselves faster." So why then, are teachers getting paid so little? I dunno. Some think teachers are slackers because they get summers of. BUT LET ME TELL YOU! I have teachers who have to get extra jobs in the summer to be able to eat (BTDubs, they're married!). So hell no, teachers are not slackers.

Well, I hope I made your day just so much brighter!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012



SCHOOL IS OUT! I am free! Finals are done and I can relax... for now. Just a quick update!


Friday, June 1, 2012


Hiya Peeps,

These past few days have been hard for me. I can't exactly remember if I've written this before but my dad has brain cancer. He has for a while and I've told this story way too many times. So, I'll just skip to Wednesday. A few surgeries and brain altering events later, I'm sitting in my room after walking home from school. It was just a regular afternoon but just one thing was different.

I had been deleting old photos from my dad's iPad. Just the ones from doodling apps and such. I'd found a photo of my dad on some holiday just recently after the first surgery. One thing you should know, my dad didn't really start to change until the second surgery. He had always been a very tall thin man. In that photo I saw him lookin' good. Now he isn't able to work and mostly sits on the couch and watches Netflix. He was a teacher before. And god he misses it.

Just seeing that photo made me so upset. I knew that I would never see that man again. I've said to myself again and again, he went in a man and came out a cripple. That was the second surgery. I love my dad so very very much and to see him like this.. well, it made me bawl. And I know it isn't his fault that he's this way now and that he can't do anything about it. I also know that if he hadn't had that second surgery, he'd probably be dead.

I do think about it sometimes. What if the cancer won? But I don't really see it as a battle. It's more like Sisyphus, rolling that stone up the hill in Hades. If you're not up on your mythology, Sisyphus rolled a giant rock up a hill and whenever he was almost to the top, the weight became too much and it fell back down again. That is what cancer is. After a surgery, you think that everything is so much better. Sometimes it is, but for my dad, it wasn't. Surgery, radiation, another surgery, and you find out he's got another one growing in the other side of his head. Like REALLY? You wanna be a jerk cancer?! You wanna? Seriously.

Sometimes I think how unfair life is. It's just a fact. A man can get away with rape and murder and the nicest man on the face of the earth can die of cancer. That is one reason I have trouble believing in god. I'm not going to get into that much because some might get offended, but that's just how I was raised. Another reason is that I love science. I believe in evolution and facts. So yeeeeaaaaahhh.

I guess that's it buds,


Monday, April 9, 2012



Today was okay I GUESS. I screwed up my research paper but then I fixed it so it's okay. THAT my friend, was a run-on sentence. I keep accidentally hitting the SHIFT key. I guess my brain subconsciously WANTS me to yell through computer into your ears. Except it wouldn't go into your ears. It would go into your eyes; Unless you couldn't see. Now that would be a problem. But then you wouldn't be reading this anyways. So I guess not. Nevermind.


Tuesday, March 27, 2012



We need justice for Trayvon Martin! It doesn't matter what his skin color was, murder is murder. Something has to be done and that means putting that evil man in jail. He was just a teenager. He never got to live his life and grow up like many of us will. It just doesn't seem fair.

On a lighter note, I've had this song stuck in my head all day called "Nice Guys". It's by Ryan Higa, Chester See, and KevJumba. See it here:


Thursday, March 22, 2012



SO GUESS WHAT? Today I got glasses! People think I'm crazy for liking glasses. I think they look good on me. I'm slightly nearsighted and for those who don't know what that means, nearsighted is when its harder to see far away. I was having trouble seeing the writing on the board in class so I had to get them. I really like them, they're cool.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Important Things to Remember 1


An important thing to remember occurs when using a water fountain. Remember to push the button before moving your head towards the fountain. If you don't, you will inevitably get hit in the face with water. Either that or you just won't get any water. Just saying.


Thursday, March 15, 2012



So today I'm going to talk about beauty. What is beautiful? Well I think that a girl that cakes on makeup and dyes her hair is more fake than pretty. I think beautiful is natural. Like, if you looked at a person and thought they looked pretty. You go up and ask them if their wearing makeup and they say, "No." THAT's beautiful.

You can also have a beautiful soul or a beautiful heart. This means you're kind or good to your friends. This means that when others are sad you ask them if they're okay or smile to someone you don't know. I don't know. That's what I think. I guess it could be something different. I'm only a teenager, right? You make your own decision about what you think is beautiful. I say my cat is beautiful, my family is beautiful, my dog is beautiful, my friends are beautiful, I am beautiful.


Monday, March 12, 2012



Doing things in moderation is always good. You don't want to do too much skateboarding after you finish that trick. You'll just end up on your butt... next to a wall... with your nose broken. Another thing to have in moderation is ice-cream. AND DON'T GET ME WRONG I love ice-cream. It's just if you eat too much of it all at once, you get a brain freeze.

If you ever looked up the trip from USA to Japan, you would see something funny. Just go to the thirty-second step. I'm just saying, but you should do it now... waiting... waiting... YOU SEE?! Funny, right?

<-- This is called a Sea Kayak. You're going to need one.



Okay guys, look what I found! THE WORLD'S LARGEST GUMMY WORM! Mind explosion. I mean seriously. Wouldn't you LOVE to have one of those? I really like sugar. I feel like some people would look at this the wrong way... People! Get your minds out of the gutter!


Saturday, March 10, 2012



This is a photo from a year ago taken in a photo booth. It is of my friend and I. I am on the left with a knitted hat and my friend is on the right with a viking hat. Yeah, we had fun that day.




Ten quirky things about me:

1. I love crayons
2. I could sleep through an earthquake
3. I don't like cooked fruit
4. I can play the ukulele (I HAVE A YELLOW ONE!)
5. Once I captured Little Round Top
6. I hate shopping
7. When I was in 6th grade, if anybody mentioned elephants I would scream (out of joy)
8. I use up erasers too fast
9. I was in my high school musical (The Pajama Game)
10. (its a secret)




Mkay. So if you didn't know before, I'm just gunna post some random stuff along with things about me. These will include things that I find and like.




Can you see it? Blowing in the wind? Doubtful. It's bright, shiny, rich. Or is it? Can you see what I see? Long flowing hair. Invisible to everyone but me.

My name's Olivia. I have alopecia. I'm not going to talk about my alopecia much. I'm going to talk more about my life in general. When I was 4 my hair fell out. It only took one or two days. I am 15 now and I still have no hair. I wear a wig everywhere except my own home.

I wouldn't say I'm jealous of other girls' hair. I just wish they'd appreciate it more. Some of my classmates can't leave the house without their hair straightened. Or how 75-80% of them dye their hair. Can't you just be happy with what you were born with? It's unique.

I hate how people say, "OMG I wish I wore a wig! I'm SOOOO jealous of you! You could chose what color your hair could be every day!" Seriously? I know their trying to make me feel better but no, it isn't fun having to wear a wig. And besides, if I changed wig colors every day, everyone would know I wore a wig. There are so many things you can't do with a wig. You can't go swimming, you can't put your hair up in a ponytail, or go on roller-coasters. Yeah, you could take your wig off but then what's the point? You wear a wig to hide the fact that you're bald.

I know some of you may be thinking, If I think that people shouldn't dye their hair because it's unique, then why wear a wig to cover up your uniqueness? I wish it were that simple. I wish I could go around school or in public without wearing a wig. And believe me, I think I look better without a wig on. It's just, people wouldn't look at me the same way. No one would want to be near me.

